
How can i make $6000 by the time school starts? Please!

by  |  earlier

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Please! I want to re-do my room and get a new wardrobe and I am only 14!




  1. dude... thats tuff.. your best bet is to play the lottery ;)

  2. well school will start a soon and you're only 14 i guess the only thing you probably can do is have a big garage sale take out a loan ask you're parents or try to win a lottery there isn't much things you can do in such short time.

  3. don't play the lotto, only 18 and up can claim prizes.  

    best way to get $6000 is to steal it from your parents.  

  4. sorry but thtz alot of money and if ur only 14 i dont think u can get tht much!

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