
How can i make a 6 year old and 4 year old behave?

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I am babysitting a 6 year old and a 4 year old and they are not doing anything i tell them. They are running around the house and screaming. They wont sit still! When i try to put them in timeout they just keep getting up and holler when i make them stay.




  1. Time outs.- And you have to follow though on them. If they get up from the time out chair you have to sternly put them back in the chair. Continue this until they stay. Set the timer on for how ever old they are in age and thats the time that they will spend in time out. There has to be consequences for their bad behaviors. Dont let  them run the house. Remind them whose in charge by you taking that role as a parent on. Yelling will just make things worse. Also have the parents make up  a rewards chart. Make a chart and for each chore or good behavior. When they are successful they get a sticker placed on their chart.  Break that rule and the privilidges are taken away. Take control. Dont let them get away with not being on the naughty chair you HAVe to keep putting them in.  I would say you are being placed on the naughty chair because _____. You will sit there until your time is up. Dont say any more to them and dont make eye contact with them. If they get up dont say anything just bring them back. Keep at this until they get the point and stay seated. Once they are done with their time out have them look you in the eye and same goes with you and explain why they were in there and ask for an apology. If they refuse then they stay for an extra 4 minutes or 6 minutes. Dont let them get away with it. Your the boss youre in charge!! They will be ok and dont worry about oh their parents may think im interfereing just do it. Its something that needs to be done. Im going to have to say to talk to the parents and communicate with them. Say hey look your children are not listening to me. Ive put them in time out and they refuse to listen. If they dont comply with me Im either going to quit this job or they will have to listen to me. Be straight forward and honest. It goes a looong way. Parents want to hear whats going on with their children while they are out.

  2. set goals, if you are not good, you are going to the corner... the corner comes..... stay there for 10 mins, if you are good, ill make you a treat... if they are bad, leave them there, and let the good one have a little fun. you must set a ground of what you expect from them. if not, or if you just yell( and you are not the parent, so they are not scared you will hurt them), they will not care. stand your ground, take their hand and sit them there until they do as told. you cannot have fun if you are in the corner, and you are eating a chocolate chip cookie, and theirs was thrown away, because crumbs ended up smeared on the wall.!!

  3. Be Mean

  4. you totally cant.. believe me i have a 6 year old brother and he does the absolute opposite from what we tell him. when i babysit with him.. i go crazy! so crazy that from acting like a  19 year old i start acting 4

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