The only thing that ever soothes my [sore] throat is Ricola, the cherry honey flavor. i've tried EVERYTHING in the book.. green tea, gargling with this and that, NONE of that worx, it's pretty much old wives' tales for me. My throat really only bothers me when i wake up in the morning, that's the worst it gets every day. So i was wondering how i could go about making a Ricola drink? It's pretty annoying to constantly suck on a lozenge first thing when i wake up, & sumtimes when my throat is scratchy thruout the day. A liquid form of this Ricola would be a LOT more convenient. i need some advice other than just soaking some of the lozenges in a cup of water. Like what else should i put in it? Should i boil water or use a microwave to help the lozenges to dissolve? How many lozenges? How much water? Pretty much i'm asking how can i do this?
*DON'T tell me to go out and buy this or that cough syrup/product instead. Ricola is the only thing that worx 4 me, so unless ur gonna answer the specific question i asked, don't bother typing nething at all.