
How can i make a complaint to immigration about saratoga food specialty?

by  |  earlier

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sara toga fired me so illegals can come in and get cheap labor. even the supervisor is illegal. everyone there is nearly illegal. me n my friend were the only americans. we made 15 bucks an hour. me n my friend got fired so the illegals get 6:50 an hour. thats c**p and its not fair. what can i do




  1. OK you asked this question already!! get over it I don't think the supervisor is an immigrant other wise he wouldn't be the supervise! and they got the job because they are good @ it maybe you should star learning from your mistakes and start doing something than just sitting down and ask this king of ? all day!  good luck and if your not Illegal then why is it so hard to get your self another job?? what is so hard please let us know~!


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