
How can i make a dish called fu-fu with goat meat that is spicey with potatoe and fried plantna it had spinch2

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this was the best thing i ever had to eat a stright nigerian meal from real ebu royalty members in baltimore md about 16 years ago but i still remember the meal like yesterday it was the very good




  1. sorry I can not help...

    Fu Fu  is a name for underarm deodorant

  2. I am a former chef and still get a similar dish here in Toronto canada, I go to a Ghanian place here and the fu-fu there is called Banku, both the stew are similar and spicey they use harissa/hot chilis as the heat element, and are quit basic, goat meat browned and braised with onions, ginger, garlic, tomatos, hot pepper element, stock and cooked slowly for awhile then the potatos added (total cooking time will be from start to finsih, 60-90 minutes), for the fu-fu or banku you need to find the mix or flour, you mix it with boiling water a dash of salt and stir it in the pot until it comes away from the side and then form it into balls or cakes.

    As the stew finishes add you spinach, kale or other greens cook for 20 minutes in the last stages of cooking and then serve, for the fried plantains I would cook them at the same time as the stew is cooking and then just before you serve, pop them and the fu-fu/banku in the oven to warm or keep them there after you make them.

    Fu-fu mix can either be a cornmeal base, cassava or plantain flour, it is up to you in Nigeria like Ghana it would be a fermented corn based one, check the African grocerys or a West Indian store for the mixes or flours.

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