
How can i make a good impression towards the sports teachers at my new school?

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im starting a new school at the end of this month and i'd really like to try out for the sports teams and do a lot of sports,as it is a specialist sports my old school,i would participate in sports,but i never got chosen first for teams-always one of the last!- and the teacher had her 'favourite pupils',me not being one of them.i kinda ended up being labelled as a lazy kid who didnt like sports =/ i started out great in first year,i was captain of the football team for 4 games and i was on the basketball team for two years-(i spent 3 years in total at the school,in the last year i played sports but was not in any teams)Any tips on how i could improve on sports and become a good sports student,making a good impression on the teachers and classmates? this means alot to me,i love sport class and im going to be at this school for the next 2 or 3 years.nobody from my old school is going to this school,so i guess i have a chance to transform and be a top sportsperson. i'm really enthusiastic and willing to learn,and very into my sports-big football fan,wont mention the team to avoid any arguments haha =) and also a big fan of cricket,tennis and swimming,watching the sports and playing them =) thanks for any ideas.x




  1. Be dedicated, and practice a lot. Make sure your not acting lazy.

  2. I would first of all make a lot of new friends and just hang out with over the summer and let them know you better.

    and for the teachers...

    I would actually think about joining the sport commitee club or something. Basically a club that helps teams with game scoring, sport activities something like that. For P.E teachers are the ones that usually are the supervisor so that way you will get to know your teacher better and then when you start to join team they will actually recognize you and hopefully...

    You won't be picked last ;)

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