
How can i make a guy Marry me?

by  |  earlier

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Most of guys wont marry u unless u do it with them, and i will never do it before marriage...So tell me, just how??

am almost 22 and no one proposed and all the 3 bf's i ever had never want a marriage.




  1. no one can help you when you are s******g your life up yourself..

    plus, you are losing your dignity

  2. Have patience, and also wait for the right one to come along and ask for your hand in marriage. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad and your brothers, may they be granted Jannat al firdous. I think you should drop your old habits (3 bf's) and try to work on improving yourself to become "Marriage material"...inshallah you will make a great wife for sum1 one day.

  3. i will be willing babe!!!

  4. your start by finding a REAL guy.. not some idiotic dumb asses..  

  5. if u are lookig for muslim guys then they will understand ur reasons and if they really like u then they will ask u but if they are just hanging out then sorry

    pray to Allah and he will bring u the right guy for u  

  6. You can't MAKE someone marry you. You'll find the right person one day and THEN you'll get married. If you force it now, you'll just regret it later, you're too young to know what you really really want.

  7. You don't understand men at all, do you?  They want s*x but they don't want to marry the women they have s*x with, lol.  

    You need to have respect and love for yourself before someone else can.  When that happens and you aren't so desperate, then you will find Mr. Right.  


  8. this  is not Ur problem this Ur parents problem let them decide what person they choose for u

  9. Just marry someone looking for a green card.

  10. Sorry, but you can't MAKE a guy marry you. Thats just wrong. You just need to stop dating jerks who only want s*x. You need to find a guy who loves you enough to wait until after marriage. Just be patient.  

  11. lol

    whats up with the 3 bfs

    its haram man!

    i will surely run away from my future wife if she says she had 3 bfs


    "most of the guys wont marry u if u dont do that with them"

    You are wrong.

    Most of the guys wont marry you if they find out you already did that with other people.

  12. You can't "make" someone marry you. Just be patient, inshallah your time will come.

  13. Don't ask a guy to marry you... and if they ask you to do it with them...tell them that they should have respect for you..its not the way it should go...

    Look for a straight guy..I dunno were ur meeting those guys..go to the mosque in Ramadan you'll get good deeds and maybe meet the right guy there!!

  14. marriage isn't a game, you will build a new life with your partner, yet you build on poor basis then destruction is a result, or build on healthy basis to keep going with this life,,

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