
How can i make a homemade batting tee?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know how i can make a baseball tee using things like wood, PVC pipe etc. if you have made one could you please post a picture, thanks




  1. get a long straight wooden,metal,or plastic stick it in the ground. Now you take an old gardening hose cut it to 2 or three inches longer than the stick in the ground and slide it over...  

  2. Thick plywood for the base...metal pipe threaded into a fixture bolted to the plywood.    Cut out some thick rubber - innertube is fine if you wrap it a couple of times and zip tie/radiator clamp it to the pipe.  You want the flexible rubber so it'll give and not crack or break, keeping additional on hand as it will wear out, but is an easy fix.  Big boys will tear up the most solidly home built tee with one missed swing.  Probably be OK for the little guys.  Likely more effort than is worth to save a few dollars.

    I would suggest the ATEC tee, althought they're a little bit of an investment they are absolutely indestructible and anybody who plays baseball will work off the tee from the time they start t-ball until they retire from the major leagues.

    The facility my son trains at uses the ATEC tees (see link).  They've been open for four years now and still have the original tees - beat up and scuffed, but good as new.  That's four years taking a pounding seven days a week from t-ballers to major leaguers and everything in between.  When they realized they needed more, somebody built them half a dozen, really nice, heavy duty tees as described above.  None of them last more than a couple/three weeks.

  3. a like driving cone you can get the big ones u dont even have to get a heavy rubber plasticy one you could get one cheaper if you get the hard plastic plane one or use a strong glue like gorilla glue to glue the pipe on to a piece of ply wood

  4. if you have a younger sibling, just have them lay down and hold the ball up with their fingers...i guarantee you that you wont miss (at least very many times) before you either learn to hit better or your parents kill you.

    If you dont have a younger sibling, you could just cut a piece of pvc pipe to the right height, and then hammer it into the ground


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