
How can i make a "Highlited posts" box or "Tag cloud" on my yahoo 360 when my blog is opened?

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How can i make a "Highlited posts" box or "Tag cloud" on my yahoo 360 when my blog is opened?




  1. You make highlighted posts and tags when you are creating your blog, use the options at the bottom.  It will ask if you would like to highlight the post, as far as tags, use key words in the space available that describes your blog.  Note: make sure to name your blog.

  2. You can't it comes after you get enough Blogs posted! I only have 15 or 16 blogs right now and it won't give me a Tag clound yet! You also have to give you blog a title other then just having the date!

    At the top of the blog above where you insert a picture is the date, erase that and put the topic of your blog!

    Hope i was helpful! ttyl

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