
How can i make a review of related literature?

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my topic is "chalk dusts as an alternative fertilizer"




  1. Google scholarly journals.  You want to make sure your literature represents adequate information/sources.  

    Search the history of chalk and fertilizer.  Then, find a connection either from its dusts content, ingredients, texture, etc.

    Good Luck!

  2. The easiest way to do this is to use a literature search engine at your college library.  Yes, the best engines will be found at that level... usually you can just walk right in and use the computer.  Type in your search information.  Print the results, and in many cases, print the actual articles as well.  Once you have compiled all the related literature, you job is to summarize it all... it's called a review, but you can think of it as a summary.

  3. You need to divide your topic "chalk dusts as an alternative fertilizer" into parts to find out what are useful (relevant) key words to be used in searches.  Fertilizers and chalk are obvious ones.

    In many cases it is useful if you can find alternative expressions for terms of your original question. What are synonyms or related terms for "fertilizer" and "chalk dust"?

    Which is more important, the substance (chalk) or the form (dust)? Are there other fertilizers in dust form? Is chalk used in another forms?

    In general if you don't find exact matches for your original query in library catalogs or search engines you need to reformulate your question: try synonyms, try different forms of words, make it broader or make it more narrow.

    And when you find a relevant source, please read it through first to find more useful search terms and try them in turn. Information seeking, reading and learning go together and help each other in making literature reviews. It is a process with a cyclic nature.

    The link below may also offer you something.

  4. Is "chalk dusts" a metaphor for intellectual stimulus  for the field of reading as a whole?  If so, these answers are too literal.

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