
How can i make a small business as a teen.?

by  |  earlier

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Like making jewelery and stuff. Also where can i get cheap materials cause i dont wanna spend 40$ on beggining materials to go ahead and lose profits by charging too much.

Well i am 14 so yeah..... i think a building is out of question. i just wanna know how to get it started off?




  1. Get on eBay. I am almost 14 and have been doing eBay since last Christmas around then. Have made thousands! Just look at what is hot and buy it to resell. I hit it big on the Wii. Just set up a PayPal and an eBay. You will need an adult to use their info. though considering you need to be 18. Once you learn the trade it's as easy as free money! Message me if you need to know anything.

    eBay id: Pgill1994

    Yahoo! id:

  2. no no no get littler kids to sell food/drinks for you give them the drinks, table cooler etc for a commission. when i was 14 i pickpocketed and sold trees. you can make good dough walking dogs too put up adds in a local paper/ and lots of fliers people pay good money .

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