
How can i make a tennis racket?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make a tennis racket, how can i do that?




  1. First you have to start with a lot of money.  Because you need to buy things in bulk/luquidations.  That way the profit is high in revnue.  If you buy enough supplies for only ~100 you have to price very high, and a starting company wants to start with low price that way it attracts people.  After that I advise you to to go to wilson/babolat/yonex/etc.  They usually will give you a tour.  In the tour takes notes of what machines (stingers, balances, etc.)  Afterwards purchase those items as well.  Problem is again you need a lot of money to purchase these items under a budget.  Which also has to included store/website/tax/and workers.  If you can fulfill those requirements (I know it's a lot), then you want a catching/new name not "tennis for you", or something.  With all that you should have a very good tennis factory.  Hope that helps.


    P.S sorry it's so long :P

  2. If you are scrooge mcduck or Bill Gates, then go ahead.

    First you need a racket that is different than the others (in a good way), then you must pay some tour player millions to use them, then you will get little kids telling their daddy that this new racket is soooo great it''ll make me play better.

    There you go,


  3. its cheaper to buy one

  4. well u need a company to help sponsor ur idea and to give u money to start, i don't know how to make one but good luck with that!

  5. Purchase the supplies, and look at a already made one, it could serve more so as "directions" I don't think there would be a "make your own tennis racket kit" so I guess its up to you to use your imagination.

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