
How can i make a tutu like this?!?!?

by Guest61717  |  earlier

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i want to know what you need

i know how to make the normal ones but how can i make a tutu that kinda well it just doesnt bend do you need like a meatal rim around it or something

here are pics of what i mean

could i just buy a white leotard and sew on the accesories

i could buy one but i really want to make one

i would rather it cost around 50-100$ well the material and all

the blue one

and tu tu #15 the white one

a video would be really nice!




  1. no its better if you just buy it. there extremely hard to make well. they should be made by a professional. it will cost you more in materials and those coast well over a 100 dollars. just buy a good one. it will last you for ever. but idk why you would need it

  2. Even with sewing experience, tuts are extremely, extremely difficult to make, and you need a lot of practise. My mother and auntie (who have been professional seamstresses and made dance costumes professionally and sold them) had an incredibly difficult time making tutus. Even when they bought a book showing them how, it was not helpful. They had to start from scratch and waste a lot of tulle making samples before they "sort of" got it. It took longer to get it perfect.

    I know that to make a tutu sit flat like that you can pancake it. This is stitching the layers of tulle together so they are not like a puff ball, more pancaked (which is more fashionable these days.)

    An even better way to make it stay flat is to use a hoop (the metal rim you spoke about.)

    I don't know how they did it, but i do know it took a great great deal of time and money spent on all that wasted tulle.

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