
How can i make a two way light switch into a threeway light switch without changing the wiring?

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how can i make a two way light switch into a threeway light switch without changing the wiring?




  1. You can't.

    The three way switch requires different wiring or a 3 wire

    run to the other switch

  2. your question doesn't make sense are you trying to add another switch to a light fixture on another wall or are you trying to change the switch itself with another one

  3. the only to do this without rewiring is to buy a wireless switch (Heath/Zenith mo #SL-6133)I bought at H.D.

  4. To control a light from 2 locations require 2 three way switches and to control a light from 3 locations require 2 three way switches and a 4 way switch.

    Knowing this now maybe you can rephrase your question so that we can understand what it is you want to do.

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