
How can i make friends in a new school? :/?

by  |  earlier

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i wouldnt have asked this, but none of the other awnsers fit my situation.

okay so i was a new kid in another state, and i guess guys thought i was phot or some dumb **** like that. and yeah i got attention for like two weeks but it died down. i make a couple friends and got a place to sit at lunch with them. but over the summer, i had summer school and i amlost sat next to my 'friend?' anne, but she was like uh michellles sitting here and i was like sor-ry and i flicked her off, and later i said sorry but i dont know if she still doesnt like me. and every time i try to talk to people, i lock up and look at the ground. im like really shy. now were starting school again, and i really dont want to have to sit alone again or wonder what to do or fake sick to get out of sitting alone. i try to talk to some of the more talkative kids, but their more of the popular types and i feel like i dont have big enough b***s to talk to them. i want to be more outgoing because really im a loud, a little annoying, fun, and happy person. i cant be myself it seems like. i just dont want to try to join a conversation and have the kids be like, un we werent talking to you. cuz that happened before. and it wasnt fun.

im going to shut up now. lmfao. please help? :]




  1. Smile : )

  2. Be funny/be yourself.  

  3. yea, im agree w/ marketin..

    just be urself, be nice, smile, and..

    BE HAPPY..

    it is true.. if ure in a good mood sometimes it seems like good things come to u.. cuz u r in good mood u do anything seems like right and automaticly u SMILE

  4. RELAX...Take it easy.  Start by talking to people that sit next to you in class (boy or girl).  Find someone you think that you can relate to and try to be their friend.  And when you see that person again in the hall or someplace, just say "Hi".  And if they something more than that, that will be a sign for you to say something else.

    Join a sport, club of some sort, or something,  Hopefully something that interests you.

  5. The best way to make friends is to show yourself friendly.

    People gravitate to other people who are open-minded, friendly and open. Don't try to be something you're not. You can't be everyone's best don't try to be. Just be yourself and you'll attract like-minded people.  

  6. im having the same problem, if only u go to my school :P lol...sorry this wasnt helpfull...

  7. This is going to sound so cliche, but be yourself. It seems like you already know that you're a great person, the problem is others to see this side of you. I hate to say this, but it's really tough for the other kids to get to know you if you don't talk. You really have to start talking. I know its tough and I know its nerve-wracking, but I have to to tell you that from my experience, there is no shortcut. I completely understand the feeling of opening your mouth and having the words tumble out and cursing yourself for sounding like an awkward idiot, but you have to talk. Think about from their point of view. You're no longer a "new" kid so there's really no reason for everyone else to notice and interact with you. They see you as one of the crowd and they would just as soon pick out a random stranger to blabber away too that you would. You really have to be proactive and break the ice first. I used to be the quietest, nerdiest little weirdo in school, but then I realized I had to start talking to people. Since then I've run for class president, have been elected to student government every year and am president  of mock trial, and am an officer in bunch of other clubs. One of my friends just realized he knew me in middle school because I had completely changed. Seriously, if I can pull that off (and I was really geeky) you can make a few friends. If you feel nervous, think about it like this- so what if you s***w up? just laugh at yourself and be like wow that was stupid and try again. People will laugh with you and it wont be so bad. Just be outgoing, you can do it.

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