
How can i make friends?

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So i am 5'8 and 270 pounds and 14 the doctors say Im morbidely obese but Im not that big as your thinking i am. I dont look awkward...I just look like a big guy. Im also healthy too..but my blood pressure is like 130 and thats kinda bad for my age! I can run as fast as a skinny person and My weight doesnt affect me physically..only mentally. I guess you can call me a f****s haha but Im a really nice person. They call me a gentle giant because Im not mean at all. I have a big heart...But what i was wondering is...does that matter to you? Im starting a new highschool in a new town...and Im kinda worried that people will make fun of me instead of trying to be my friend. What should i do when people do make fun of me? because i know it will happen? What should i do to make more friends instead of people who make fun of me? What would you do if you met a fat guy and he was nice? and should i change for pe in the locker room or in the bathroom?

p.s. Im losing weight..I lost 30 pounds..I used to be 300 but my goal is to be under 200. so dont think i am lazy.




  1. i would be your friend

  2. email me, we can be friends! my brother used to be over weight...hes 16 now. i have experience with this and if you need to talk please email me!

  3. I would hang with you

    my brother is the same way and he is like one of the most popular people in my school  

  4. wow, u sound like a realli nice guy =) and that matters a lot. i dont care about people's size or shape or that c**p, what matters is the kindness =) whenever someone makes fun of you just ignore it because that means that they're not happy with the way they are, so they try to bring someone down, to try to make themselves feel better about themselves.

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