
How can i make her stop?

by  |  earlier

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my mom drinks beer every night. now, she doesn't get drunk where she can't remember anything, but her voice slurs and changes and it drives me crazy when i hear her talk. seriously, i can't talk to her at night because of her voice! she sounds like an idiot. i wouldn't mind if she had a beer or two every night, but anymore than that and she changes. she's not my mom anymore after that. she's been doing this for a while, so i highly doubt she's going to stop. according to her it "takes the pain away." yeah, she's an idiot.




  1. First, tell your mom that you love her, but that  she is hurting you by her inconsiderate and  careless actions.  Tell her that she is not being a good role model for you.  Tell her that she should not deal with her problems by drowning them in alcohol.  Ask her if this is how she expects you to deal with your drinking to numb the pain.

    Tell your mom it might be a good idea for her to get therapy so she can talk to someone about "the pain" she feels.  It is unhealthy to drink to numb your pain away.  Good Luck....

    You sound very young...If your mom does not change her drinking, I would confide in a counselor or some adult at school who you trust. They might be able to give you more support.  It is not fair that your mom is doing this to you.

  2. set up a video camera secretly one night when shes being an idiot.

    then play it for her and be like

    " this is you when youre drunk. you really need to stop."

  3. I have a similar problem with my mom, and what Ive figured out is the most you can do is talk to them while there sober about it. It really doesn't help much though. My best advice is put in some head phones and relax in your room or go on the computer. I don't know how your mom is when you talk to her, so Idk if talking to her will help anything. I'm sorry if I'm confusing...hope I could help at least a little!

  4. I'm sorry, you cant make her stop.  But you can do something to help yourself.  Look in the yellow pages for Ala-teen meetings.  These will help you understand your mothers problem. Yes i know they sound like idiots. That's part of the disease.  Good luck to my friend

  5. Your mom needs professional help.  If she wont' get it herself, you will have to find it for her.  Not easy, but you're old enough to do that.  Talk to her friends and yours first...

  6. no, she is not an idiot.  your mother has a serious problem-alcoholism, and needs help!  my mother was a horrible drunk!  she slurred her words, acted a fool, fought with my dad, broke the coffee table (fell on it because she was too drunk to walk around it) and even knocked over the christmas tree!!!  you should look for some help like AA or Al-anon.  a lot of local clinics will give free help.  you obviously love your mom enough to seek help before you get ill with her.  my mother quit drinking over 15 years ago via AA and has not drank since.   help her out, she probably needs it.  good luck.

  7. you can't make anyone do anything. if she wanted to stop drinking she would. sounds like she has her reasons. if this is the worst thing in your life then you have it good

  8. slapin..


  9. Here's how you get her to stop. Get some  antabuse and start slippin a pill a day to her without her knowing it soon she will stop probably in a few days. Hope this helps.

  10. First of all,

    you're pretty rude.

    Just be glad you have a good mom and maybe she's stressed. My mom abused me. But if it's getting worse, you should talk to her when she's sober. And get her into some program to help her drinking addiction.

  11. tell her that

    tell her that she isnt ur mom when she drinks

    tell her its hurting u and she really needs to stop

    i am really sorry

    tell her that from her drinking and it taking the pain away from her that she is actually hurting u

    tell her its stupid

    u should get rid of all the beer

  12. Meagan you need to start hiding or throwing the beers away that way she will not be able to get drunk.

    You need to find the reason she is in pain and what she needs to do in order to get rid of the pain she feels.

    Maybe she needs to talk to a counselor.

  13. Talk to her and a psychiatrist when she sobers up

    answer mine plz

  14. maybe she should talk to somebody sounds kinda serious!

    if u can id try and leave but then again u dont want to not be there and her do sumthing stupid..

    have u tried sitting down with her and actually talking to her and tell her how it makes u feel?

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