
How can i make lobsters fight?

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i was planning on doing some lobster knife fights lulz.

no joke btw.

and best answer if you can tell me how much live lobsters go for and what i would need to do to keep them alive.





  1. make them fight??? dont do that. thats kinda like dog fighting or c**k (chicken) fighting... -_-

  2. Water

    Keep the water level in the aquarium an inch or two lower than the brim. Use well-filtered water, and remember that temperatures of 65 - 75 degrees Fahrenheit are best.

    Also make sure that the pH level of the water is always between 7.2 and 8.4, and you'll know if it is within this range or not with the help of a pH gauge or meter. If the pH drops below 7.2, take eggshells that have been dried, and pop them in the microwave for a minute or two to kill any bacteria. Crush this and then add about one teaspoon to every ten gallons of water. This helps the lobster create internal 'calcium stones' that are used to form its hard exterior or 'exoskeleton', especially during moulting. Another simple way is to use sea shells in your aquarium, which naturally raise the pH levels of the water.

    You will also learn how to 'cycle' your aquarium from the book on caring for lobsters, and this is essential measure you must take if you want to keep your lobster clapping its claws!


    Gravel and large rocks in cave-like formations are ideal, and you can use ornamental or real plants as well. Lobsters are as sure footed as mountain goats (it's a wonder they don't trip over their own feet!), and it's a treat to watch them climbing over the rocks, so use interesting rock formations.


    Although they look grumpy, lobsters aren't actually very fussy when it comes to food. In the wild, they eat aquatic plants, algae, rotting vegetation that falls into the water, snails, fish, and even the decomposing flesh of animals that die in or near the water.

    The trick is never to over-feed them, as uneaten food could contaminate the tank quickly. Fish flakes are great for baby lobbies, while shrimp pellets are perfect for adults.

    As for how much they sell for... That depends on where you live.

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