
How can i make m golf game more fun?

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i play at my local golf course on which is a really bad course, and i mean bad, there are two m ain courses "the meadows" is where i play, it is a rubbish course with no water, hazards dont do anything and straight fairways, how can i make my game funner. i play on this course but its just awful, i cant play on the other 1 because im not allowed yet




  1. Start drinking heavily.  Do you know why a golf course has eighteen holes? It's because that's how many shots are in a fifth of whiskey. JK

  2., I found a huge list of golf courses in every state. I'm sure if you called one of the courses they would be able to help you.

  3. Maybe play on a different golf course all together. Or maybe try to play different shots (eg. try to play a big hook but finish it on the fairway).

    Have a good one...

  4. You need to find a way to play games with yourself, or maybe track your stats.

    Keep track of the number of fairways & greens in regulation that you hit.  The number of putts per round, & the # of putts per green in regulation (hitting the green in 1 on a par 3, in 2 on a par 4, and in 3 on a par 5).  Even the number of up & downs you have.  Just make it a challenge.

    Another good thing to keep yourself entertained is to play 2 balls and either keep the best shot or the worst for the entire round.  Keep score, and see what happens.  Most golfers take the easy route and play best ball, but I say play worst ball - it will really teach you how to scramble for a score.

    Lastly, if you want to learn how to be really creative, try taking out the odd (or even) numbered irons in your bag before your round.  Now you'll be forced to try and play different types of shots.  You will learn so much about your game so quickly just by doing this.  More importantly, you'll learn more about your game twice as fast as your buddies will about theirs.  Remember, the name of the game is to shoot lower scores, right?

    If you have any other questions, please visit me at

  5. i dont know what you mean by bad ....not challenging? or not taken care of? if its not taken care of then there isnt much you can to but if its not challenging then you can always play 2 balls or play one and then drop a second one in a challinging spot next to it like in the ruff or in front of a tree so you cant swing normal

    i grew up playin on a c**p c**p course i swear some of the greens were soooo c**p with half dead grass i found out even though it was cheep it wsnt worth playin there i might aswell spend a couple more bucks and play somewhere nicer

  6. I say that you should try a different course. Maybe a city park where you can hit wedges, or the driving range where you can at least hit full shots.  

  7. try playing with only a few clubs like 7 iron  sandwedge and putter

    it will make it more interesting cuz u hav to hit different shots

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