
How can i make money on ebay?

by Guest58673  |  earlier

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I want to make money using ebay with a small starting investment (under 1000$) i dont expect to make much profit, just a bit of extra spending money. has anyone done this before? how should i begin? shall i corner a niche market or spread out my investment? i need help...




  1. Sell things.

  2. Find really cheap things for sell and turn around and sell them for more on ebay. Look in Pawn shops, Thrift stores. etc. Even look on Ebay to find cheap items and sell them back.

  3. I tried to do that before with ebay, and it doesn't  work!! there are tooooooo many sellers on ebay already trying to sell things that you must compete against and it makes it incredibly difficult. just go through your home and list things that maybe people would be interested in, save your money and just try to make some cash with the things you already have but don't need anymore.

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  5. You will need to find the "it" items that people are interested in.  That is your first and probably most significant action.  If you don't have what ppl want, they won't stick around.

    Some people use drop shippers for their ebay sales, which is fine....except that depending on who the dropper is, you may or may not have things that sell.  Most deal in giftware or possibly jewelry, and ebay is already saturated with that.   The up side of using a drop shipper is that you don't have to warehouse anything - which saves you the hassle.

    Clothing tends to be big on ebay, I've noticed, but not just any clothing.  Unusual sizing, or stuff for those who are very tall tends to attract attention.  

    Just think of all the research you have to do!  LOL

    Good Luck!

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