
How can i make money?!

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okay soo summer is almost over and i haven't gotten a job, even after I've filled out sooooo many applications, i guess no one was really hiring at the moment.. so now schools almost here and theres alot of things i need to get before i go back, like new clothes, shoes and whatever.. so i just wanted to ask you guys, how can i make money without getting a job at a clothing store, the mall, an outlet, a restaurant, theme park, a grocery store or any place like that. I really want something to do that will help me... is there anything i can do on the internet? people have told me baby sitting, but i just moved into a new unfriendly looking neighborhood, and i don't know any ones kids to babysit. soo please can anyone give me ideas?? :) thanksss




  1. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well. I now have around 1,600 dollars. just put yourself out there, I also recently offered to babysit a kid next door, and dogsit for 2 neighbors if they ever need me too. Good Luck!!

  2. If you've got any old stuff you could clean out your room and sell it on ebay... or hold a yard sale? :)

    I think there are a few site on-line where you can swap clothes... if you don't mind doing that?

    Babysitting would be the best option i'd say, but given the unfriendly situation, maybe that's not the best option :P

    I don't think there's any way to make money on the internet really.. If it were that easy everyone would be doing it :P

    Or you could hold a bake sale with some friends, or wash cars or something like that. Get creative and imaginative! :)


  3. You can set up a table at a flea market or have a garage sale! Ebay is another good way of earning money online for selling your old stuff! You can sell off all of your old clothes,shoes, and other stuff and use the money to help buy yourself new clothes and shoes!

    We buy old clothing and shoes all the time from people for our own use. Hey if you have anything that fits our family, we may buy it from you! :)

  4. Here's a way I have started earning money:

    This is a website where you make money by taking surveys, clicking through series of ads, referring new members, and getting money back from online shopping. It is fairly easy to use, it has lots of contests always going on, and it is actually pretty fun to use. don't expect it to pay nearly as much as a normal summer job or anything, but it's better that nothing, right?

    If you have any questions email me at, and if you sign up please sign up under the exact link I gave you so you can be my referral. That way, I will get a bonus for the money you earn, and we will be able to contact each other easily so I can answer your questions.

    Trust me, this is NOT a scam like so many other sites. I think the active forum is proof enough, and there is even a thread there where people post pictures of checks they have received from treasuretrooper as proof that it's not a scam. You also don't need to pay any money to join or take part in any of the site's features, and only some things do you need a credit card for.

    Good luck!


    Sign up under that link. This website is a VERY awesome, free, website to make money at. I have made over 34 dollars in less than 4 days. They have a whole lot of surveys there, and they add free surveys weekly. Perfect for those who don't want to use credit cards, I made my 34 dollars doing fully free surveys. The surveys take less than 2 minutes. You usually get paid a lot, unlike Rewards1. This website is the way to go. See you there :P.

    There are a lot of people posting scams and websites. This is one website you don't have to worry about. This website is legit and authentic, and really worth your time. You can work at what ever pace you want to make money, doing surveys, and the site is updated with more free surveys weekly. Great user support, and fast delivery.This is an opportunity you really don't want to let go. All you do is make a new email address where the spam will get sent to, and then start doing surveys!

    Step 1:

    Sign up at the above link^

    Step 2:

    Go to "View Available Offers", so you can start doing surveys. Or, if your still a little iffy about this website, you can check out the testimonials, and see the tons of things people recieved from this website.

    Step 3:

    Start doing the free surveys you choose.

  6. sounds like you want free money not gonna work lol best way get a job

  7. There is this free system that I am trying out right now, it's called the Spiderweb Marketing system. So far I have made about $300 in the past week and a half, and I am pretty sure I am going to start making even more. The way this system works is, it sets you up with up to 22 individual streams on online income. I would say that 95 percent of the money that am am making is coming from the first income stream that the system helps you set up. It is called GDI. For this income stream to work I did have to pay $10 after using it for seven days, but my profits have already paid for the cost 30 times over. And if you don't want to pay anything, you don't have to. The way that I found this system is through this youtube video the guy in the video will explain it to you.  

  8. You can make $$ clicking on ads. It's simple. Go to:

  9. Hello.

    Hope that i can help you. If you interested to make money online, just go to this website. I have join it and earn more money from it for my college.
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