
How can i make more points in yahoo answer ?

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How can i make more points in yahoo answer ?




  1. when you answer and asnwer right yahoo will give you i believe 5 point but if you answer alot of questions it should give you 2 points for each.

  2. Don't ask anything. Answer your limit daily. Log on daily. Why bother? It's not like they give you a paycheck.

  3. Initially, you have to push yourself to the limit in answers (20) and voting (20) to get to level 2 in about three days

  4. answer tons of questions even if they are short....if you answer a better one tho then you can get BEST ANSWER....(hint hint) ...(like you should give to me) and then you get 10 pts...something like that...(you give me best answer ill give you best answer on one of my questions!)

  5. Don't ask too many questions.  Try to answer more.

    The best way to rack up points quickly and easily is to vote on undecided questions.  From the YA home page, choose any category on the left.  Then click the "vote" tab on the top.  Easy.  Vote for as many questions as you can.

  6. answers questions ALOT.

    and getting the BEST answer.


  7. Get best answers, they give you 10 pts each best answer.

  8. Have good answers and a lot of them.

  9. Take a good look at your interests and all the things that you believe you have a good amount of knowledge on and look up the answers topic and try answering questions in that catergorie. Then do a GOOD job. Try to make a difference in that persons life with your answer and do a good job to get the best answer and stop posting STUPID questions that take up 5 points all the time!! Good luck.

  10. You can make more points in yahoo points if you send answers,notably is you give best answers.But,don't forget this:if you ask,points will go lower,you know!!!

  11. by answering questions. and getting best answers.

  12. answer you daily amount of questions and your votes to get maximum points also voting for your own questions as best answers will help oh yeah and dont ask questions as they take away from you points

  13. You can max out your voting, it goes faster than one at a time answers. Another way is to team with a buddy, that will give you best answers to 'harmless' questions. By harmless questions, you get harmless answers that will not mislead someone to danger or expense, for example ' electrical repair/ installations questions.

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