
How can i make my Jab Faster?

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i ant my punching speed to be fast and i have muscly arms

what do i do




  1. Do speed drills.  Do jab cross combos as fast as you can for 10, 20 or 30 second intervals.  Rest for a the same amount of time and then repeat for a full round.  Also strength training like snatch, clean and jerk etc...  Here is a great websight that will give you lots of real life exercises such as rope climbing and sandbag lifts.  It also goes into detail about speed  training for boxers.  Love this sight!

  2. Focus on RETRACTION

    Get that hand back to a ready position as quickly as possible

    It will give you that whiplike action that your looking for!

  3. Use some two pound dumbells, they'll improve your snap.

    It all about snap, not pushing the bag. SNAP!

  4. 1. Practice.  Get someone to hold a pair of mitts (or anything padded) and practice throwing a series of jabs at it.  Work in a pyramid.  1....1-2.....1-2-3....1-2-3-4...1-2-3......

    2. Do pushups, less weights.  The more "big" muscle mass you have, generally the slower your punches will travel.  Muscle is heavy.  But do some pushups.  It will strengthen the muscles you use during jabs w/o making you big and bulky.

    3. Snap and pull.  Make sure that you're snapping your jab into action.  Alot of fighters throw lazy jabs and just leave them hanging out there once they're done punching.  Snap your jab out and pull it back as soon as it reaches the target.  If you're going to double up, don't bring your arm all the way back, just pull it halfway, then snap it forward again.

  5. A jab is a very easy punch to learn, when u use your jab, try not to actually ''throw it'' but instead relax yourself and calmy move your arm forward and take a step with your leading foot, a jab isnt meant to destroy someone so dont worry about power, just relax yourself and just let it flow.

  6. Do what i do.Punch the heavybag with ten jabs with the same hand,then repeat.I've practiced a few punches doing this for 1 month and I'm already faster throwing my punches.For muscle do pushups if you are under 18.If over lift weights or go to a gym.Or buy a Nintendo Wii and buy the Wii fit game.You can do a couple of nice muscle building ex. with it

  7. You need a training partner and some focus mitts for this one.  

    Get your partner to hold the mitts against his chest facing himself.  Have your partner snap the pad up to give you a target.  The mitt should only stay up for a second, then be moved away.  You focus on delivering a quick, clean jab and getting back to "ready" position instantly.  This drill will help with hand speed.  There are tons of variations on this, but that's a basic speed drill.  

    You can also ask your partner to give you a 20 seconds on a stopwatch.  When he starts the timer, you jab as many times as you can against a bag or mitt.  Have him count the jabs.  You should focus on increasing your tempo just a little each training session. (Go from 15 jabs to 20 jabs to 25 jabs, etc.)  

    Your partner needs to make sure you don't get sloppy - a sloppy fast jab is worse than a clean slow one!

  8. The person on the bottom of me is incorrect up the ***.

    Muscular arms don't get you slower, they get you faster (unless your so built you cant even touch your own p***s). In order to have a better snap jab the best you can do is speed bag, double end bag, shadow box (with weights, 1 or 2 pounds), and punch in water. Your supposed to put your back into the jab so it can be more powerful. The only reason i know this is because my jab pwns... and is one of the coolest punches in my opinion lol.

    The best thing to do is work on speed with your trainer, thats what my trainer did with me, thats what i recommend.

    Muscle building slows you down = big myth, just as big as "weight lifting stunts growth".

    GL boxing buddy.

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