
How can i make my amber eyes stand out?

by Guest44985  |  earlier

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any suggestions/tips/anything?

currently i use a brown eyeliner and mix it a bit with a copper color on the inside corner of my eyes. and for eye shadow i mix a bunch of colors together like dark browns, copper, blue and purple. hopefully that made a little bit of sense.




  1. Guest59023

     here a couple of looks 

  2. definitely go with dark is amazing with light brown eyes and so is a dark purple...grey and black... so consider those in your eyeshadows and eyeliners  

  3. uhhhhh that sound neat keep that  

  4. black mascara and outline with black. Blue might also make them stand out but generally go dark.

    P.S - Stay away from brown and pink

  5. Sometimes if you wear a certain color of clothing, it makes your eyes pop out.

    Example: My eyes are green, but they have a tiny line of blue around the outside edges. If I wear blues, that's the color they turn.

    Anyways, HIH!

  6. try this site

  7. um i would do a lavender or aqua color of eyeshadow

    dark purple or black eyeliner

    or lavender(purple) eyeliner and gold eyeshadow

    most amber eyes go good with medium to light purples, light blues, and baby pinks.

    try this site....

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