
How can i make my apartment green or Eco friendly?

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How can i make my apartment green or Eco friendly?




  1. Get rid of all plastics and things made from fossil fuels.

    Turn off your electricity and natural gas.

    Recycle all your water.

  2. paint it green and don't use electricity!

  3. add a few plants and try to reduce usage of electricity.

  4. This website is sooo awesome for u to check it out and it explain how u can make ur apartment or house to go green

    Have fun and good luck!

  5. -Replace all of your incandescent bulbs to CFLs. They use 3/4 less energy. They save lots of money and electricity, which is totally green.

    -Buy Energy Star appliances like washers, dryers, etc.

    -Recycle!!! Paper, plastic, glass

    -Pull out plugs when you're not using them. Example, cell phone charger, lamps, etc.

    -Save Water!! If you wash dishes by hand, don't leave the water running. If you use the dishwasher, make sure it's FULL.

    -Buy organic cleaning products

    -Turn off water when you're brushing your teeth

    -Don't leave appliances running when not in use. Ex. TV, computer, etc.

    -Use COLD water for laundry.

    -Install a low-flow showerhead. They use 2/3 less water than regular ones.

    -Turn up your blinds to leave heat out

    Thanks for caring to be green! :]

  6. Paint it a nice warm green color, turn off your A/C, electricity, water, and gas and be miserable.  But bask in the glow of knowing you are doing your part and sharing your misery with third world countries.  Al Gore will be so proud of you as he jet sets around the country in his private jet, lecturing and admonishing us for being "selfish" energy wasters.


    this is one small simple thing.. it will help, and is something nobody has mentioned yet...

  8. Get green colored light bulbs. Its crazy, wild, and green. Also you might want to grow some grass in the corner.

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