
How can i make my baby come early?

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ok...i am 9 days away from delivery and my back and my sides....and everything is bothering me...and i really want to see my chid...i tried s*x...walking...jumping jacks...everything...wat else can i do...

if ure not going to tell mehow...dont waste my time and ures by telling me sumthing off subject...thank you




  1. They say that Blue and Black Cohosh works:) also you might want to try Spicy foods:)

  2. With my 1st child I tried everything I heard of s*x, going over railroad tracks etc.  Nothing works the baby will come when it's time.  I know it's hard but try to be patient.  I'm a mom of 3 so I know how excited you are.

  3. play with your nipples it help induce

  4. I used castor oil with my two and it prevented me from having to be induced both times!  It's soooo gross, but I found with my 2nd that if you add it to some rootbeer and do the shot, you don't taste it at all.  I'm 6 months pregnant with my 3rd, and I'll definitely be doing it again come my due date.  Goodluck!!! :o)

  5. CASTOR OIL!!!

    like two three ounces!!

    i took mine with my second child with a glass of orange juice it reduces the taste a little bit (it is a really nasty taste), but six hours later i was in the delivery room!!! it really does work, try it!!!!

  6. Playing with your nipples does work, also castor oil works too, and hey it cleans you out so you won't poo during delivery. lol. But more relaxing go get a pedi by someone who performs reflexolgy massage it put my sister in-law into labor, and myself twice. Plus your toes are gonna be cute in those sturups. Good luck and God bless your new fam.

  7. i tyred everything and nothing worked she came when she was ready  no matter how much i wanted her to come out.good luck

  8. There is a type of oil that you drink I do not remember what it is called and it is safe to drink, But most of the time nothing works your baby will decide when he or she want to come out. Good luck and I know how you feel!!!

  9. I wasn't going to answer your question because I was sure you would get plenty of answers, but I saw people telling you to drink castor oil. Do not do this! This can cause your baby to release his first bowel movement in utero, what you will often hear referred to as meconium. The baby can then swallow this and it can cause pneumonia which can make your baby very very sick. Pneumonia in adults is dangerous, in babies it is deadly. People may not like this answer, but it is the truth.

    Some safe methods to induce labor are, as some have said, having s*x and walking. There is not a lot else you can do. Be a bit more active than you have been in the past few months. But for the safety of your baby, avoid castor oil.

  10. Don't drink castor oil, all it will do is cause stomach cramps and the runs.  Try walking.

  11. baby will come when ready

    as Kristie  said do NOT try castor oil it is dangerous..

    it "works" by giving the mother a tummy upset  causing her to get the "runs" and sometimes vomit.. the bowel spasms can trigger labour..(who wants to have the trots when delivering?) the baby also injests some of the oil and it gives baby a tummy upset.. baby can open it's bowels because of this and injest it while in the womb and that can cause major problems..........

    the baby will come when he/she is ready

  12. I don't think there's anything you can do other than wait it out.  If you go past your due date sometimes doctors will induce labor.  But they won't do that if you haven't already gone past your date.  Your baby will come out when it's good and ready.

    If you're really impatient, try hiking up a mountain. I"m not being sarcastic. A friend of mine was 8 months pregnant and my bf convinced her to take a walk up a hill in the Berkshires when we were on a car trip, and the day after we left she went into premature labor.  Because she still had 4 weeks the doctors stopped it but decided to let her go if she started again, even if it was early (and she delivered about 3 weeks later).

  13. well, I'd say the baby is already starting the path out of there.

    My first child....I didn't know not to take a bath.  It started my sack to leak...wasn't long after that...but they do say not to do that though...I believe it has something to do with possible infections...

    just letting you know.

    be careful you don't hurt your baby by trying so hard.

  14. you know the longer the baby is in the womb is better for the baby its still growing.i don't understand why woman get selfish and want to force a baby out earlier then there suppose to.think of the baby before your selfish needs.

  15. Castor oil...drink it...nasty ... bad taste and works!

  16. try to eat some spicy food. That got me into labor with my second son.

  17. It will come when it comes. The Dr. told us to have s*x, it causes the cervix to contract, and may bring on labor.

  18. It is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gross, but if you are dilated, castor oil WILL work. But, be prepared to p**p a LOT before your baby comes!

  19. It sounds to me like this baby doesn't want to come out yet.

    s*x, walking and spicy foods are the best advices.

    I also heard that if you rent a funny movie and laugh a lot, it can help...

    But if the baby ain't ready, no matter how much you're in discomfort and pain... Well he's the boss, you know?

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