
How can i make my car not look like a older persons car?

by  |  earlier

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I drive a Ford Five Hundred i want to know what a person could do to update so i doesnt look something my folks would drive




  1. Put one of those HUGE wings on it. Not only will it add like 300 horsepower, but you will have the coolest 500 in the state. :)

    Seriously though, I think you're stuck. Plus side is, they are actually pretty nice (and safe!) cars.  

  2. Try giving it a nice paint job and shininess is key to a car. Add speakers that are loud, and if you want add a nice spoiler at the back. get new wheels or wash the old ones you have and add some rims to them. Tint the windows like others requested and on the inside clean it up and add some decorations of your choice, not too many air fresheners.  

  3. Put bullet hole decals on the sides & hood! If you don't think new seat covers and carpet would make you proud of it please trade for a different model.

  4. Get a better car or tint the windows and get rims. Although I must say I can stand when people do those two things. I think it kinda diminsh the value of the car. However if you looking for the youthfull look that is the best way to go.

    You should  probably trade for a Ford Fusion. That is a little more youthfulll

  5. theres nothing u culd do abt the car just dont look old urself and that may help

  6. Tint the windows and throw some rims on her.  Should do the job.

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