
How can i make my cat go outside?

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I adopted my cat from the shelter. The lady there said that it was a house cat and probably will never go outside. I really want my cat to go outside and get some fresh air. I take it for walks in my backyard all the time, but i sometimes want it to be a little more independent. Any suggestions?




  1. You have to leave it up to the cat, so leave a window or door open, and often go outside and play with kitty out there.

  2. Don't force it.

    A cat can do just fine indoors.  And it is safer for the cat.

    If the cat wants to go out let it otherwise don't force it.  The woman at the shelter knows something about the cat and this cat might not feel safe outside.  

  3. Let it stay an indoor cat if it wants to your best bet is to just leave the back door open and hope it gets curious.

  4. well, cat's are very picky and stubborn.  So if you force it, it probably won't go, but if you show it around outside in your back yard, then lead outside of your back yard and hold him calmy let him get used to the area surrounding him, and possibly if he ends up liking it he may enjoy going outside.  But getting him to even step foot outside is already difficult.

    -good luck, hope i helped!


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