
How can i make my cockatiel more friendly?

by  |  earlier

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About 6 months ago i got an neglected cockatiel from a lady for $10 because he bites and hates humans. Im fairly good with animals and i thought i could get him to stop biting and like people by giving him attention and the care he needs, but i was wrong

When he is in his cage he is really friendly. I've tought him how to make cop car noises, he likes to "dance" to music and he like to play the copy cat game. He seems very happy.

When ever i walk into my room he acts really happy to see me, and when i leave the room he makes the most awful noises. Since i've had him hes stoped pulling his feathers out and making screaming noises all the time.

But when he is outside of his cage he trys to bite me and flys away from me. It is extremely hard to get him back in his cage because he always flys away from me. I've gotten him to the point where he will sit on my finger but if i move he flys away or trys to bite me.

I dont know very much about birds but i think hes lonely and thats why he likes it when i sit with him and all that. but i also think hes very untrusting of me because he was abused by a little girl.

How can i make him stop thinking im going to hurt him and get him to trust me more?




  1. i actually have a hole thing i typed up for a friend on how to get her bird (a jenday) to trust her if you could send me your email i will email you that same stuff...some may not aply the same way for you as it did her but her bird hated her until she got my help...

    my email is

    sorry i cant just put it on right here i dont have my jump drive right with me... but i will email it to you if you send it to me

    oh and with this info my  friend had her bird sitting on her shoulder in less than 3 weeks

  2. Once a bird goes bad its VERY hard to turn them around. It takes a lot of time and patience.

    You also need to clip his wings. If he can fly away he won't stay around you long enough to play with him.

    Leave the two outer feathers alone and trim 1 inch off of the inner feathers. He should still be able to fly about 10 feet before touching down. You don't want to clip him so much that he crashed like a stone.

    Another trick is to only put water in his cage and only offer him food by hand. He will begin to relate you and food and that will make him look forward to being with you. Just make sure that you feed him every day and don't starve him.

  3. try giving him toys and feeding him out of your hand and if that doesnt work i dont know what ewikll

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