
How can i make my ex boyfriend leave me alone?

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i have called him and gone to his trailer to personally tell him to leave me alone. he purposely will ignore me just to make me mad. i know he is home because his bicycle is right there in plain sight! i just want him to get the message. any thoughts how to do this???




  1. First, let the air out of his tires.  Then, lock it to a tree.  Try trading him a gift certificate for dental work, and a 6-pak of beer for leaving you alone.  

    If that doesn't work, get a pit bull & train him to go after the offensive body part that is motivating said ex boyfriend to keep pursuing you.

  2. sound like you need to call the springer show and be a guest

  3. Good one, Bumper, I think he might have found some already.  That's why he's running.

  4. One thought--- Take a roll of toilet paper and unroll a short way.  Put poison ivy leaves into the roll as you re-roll it. Leave this packed roll overnight,  remove the leaves in the morning. Carefully re-roll the paper and put the roll into your ex-boyfriends bathroom.  Won't solve any problems but it might be fun.

  5. Threaten to start smashing his bike if he hides inside.

    This should flush him out.

  6. There are only a few things that will positively work.

    First, contact the police and let them know what is going on.

    Second, stop having any contact with him at all. He is not worth the trouble of being a friend to if he pesters you and does not get the message.

    There are plenty of other men out there.

  7. Get a restraining order and call the police every time, but...

    If you want him to leave you alone STOP GOING OVER THERE> How can you want him to leave you alone when you track him down where he is hiding from you just to tell him to go away. Of course he will ignore you, leave him alone. You can find another person on this huge planet of people. If you really want his company, let it be and when he wants to he will find you if it was meant to be. Move someplace else and make a fresh start, or stay there and make a fresh start.

    As a PS, get a restraining order and everytime he comes near you, click his picture with your cell phone as proof and then call the police. If he doen't get it the first time he has to spend a night in jail watching some drunk puke all night, he will the next time.

  8. You posted in the wrong section to begin with and from your question, I would say, you are stalking him, not the other way around.

    If he is bothering you, stay away from his house, to begin with and have a big man go with you to places your boyfriend frequents.

    The very site of a girl with a large man is enough to dissuade him from ever bothering you again.

  9. Don't answer when he calls.  Just ignore him, eventually he'll get it!

  10. Buy him glasses...

  11. I LOVE how this is in agricultre....LOL

    I'd tell him to go away or you'll sick your new boyfriend on him.  Yeah, that'd be Bubba who just got released from prison after paying off a parole board.....he's in the cement industry...say no more

  12. f**t alot. (if you don't already.)  

        Go have half your teeth pulled. (if you still have any.)  

        Catch syphillis.  ( know what I'm saying.)

  13. this IS a joke, right.

    "he keep ignoring me"

    in my book ignoring you  _IS_ leaving you alone.

    you need to:

    A: stop pretending to be a girl.

    b: quit stalking him

  14. Ummm.  Why are you going to his house if you want him to leave you alone?  It sounds like you're the one who isn't leaving him alone.

    Ignore him and stay away from him.

  15. If you have to seek him out to tell him to leave you alone,  then the problem is probably you, not him.    If he's really bothering you,  then  all you have to do  is very nicely plot to meet him in a semi-public place,  like the library or the mall,  where you can speak one-on-one.   Cry a little and explain to him, that you have contracted a very rare,  perhaps life-threatening skin disease  that the doctor has told you is contagious,  even when it doesn't show.   Tell him it isn't venerial,  or from any kind of sexual contact,  you got it from your cousin,  who returned from a trip to Africa and used your razor in the bathroom.     Explain,  that it doesn't have much effect on girls, but it causes  the male p***s to shrivel up and emit black goo.    It's spread by contact with the b*****s and sexual organs.  

    He won't be bothering you anymore.

  16. why don't you start going out with Beavis Christ....he sounds like a complete loser too.......

  17. just do the same thing too him and he then will get the message or he still has feelings for you but hes to scared to tell you because he thinks you dont like him so just have a conversation while having coffee or just ignore him

  18. You went to his trailer to tell him to leave you alone?

    For some loser living in a trailer that says "she wants it bad"!

  19. Let me see.  Judging from you he must be around 45 years old, living in a trailer, rides a bicycle, and still wants nothing to do with you. I don't blame you, I'd be mad too.  Ever think that you may have been the life of too many parties?

  20. Tell him you're pregnant and he's the babydaddy. You'll never hear from him again.

  21. since this is agriculture - let bessie leave him a note on his porch- on his car etc.-- he should get the message loud and clear

  22. I would tell your Husband, boyfriend(s),Step Father(s) and Baby's Daddy(s) or any combination. Then call the TV show COPS, so I can see what happens.

    You may want to do it before NASCAR, 'rastlin' or a huntin' trip.

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