
How can i make my eye lids back to normal? one is bigger?

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i was rubbing my eyes cause im having allergies and i seemed to have irritated my left eye now my upper eye lid is bulgey, what can i do??





  1. I used to get that before, I'm sorry there's nothing much that you can do apart from wait. But try putting some muscle relaxant cream and make sure it doesn't get into your eyes. But the main point is wait, and wash your eyes often and make sure it doesn't get dirty, and don't rub anymore!

    It should take a few days-2 weeks, it was 2 weeks for me, but my was a bit serious.

    Be patient, don't anything stupid to quicken the process, it would only make it worse. I know this seems stupid but putting REALLY cold cucumbers will help, or at least something cold.

    Good Luck!

    btw keep healthy, drinks lots of juice and water, it's not logical, but it helps a tiny bit. don't apply too much creams, it doesn't help much. If ur fed up with the cucumbers, use a hot boiled egg, I know this is stupid, but it helps a tiny bit as well.

    If anything starts getting painful and irratates your eye more, STOP!

  2. make sure it is not Graves Disease

  3. put some ice on

  4. Take some benedryl or your allergy medicine. A cool wet rag pressed to your eye should help as well.  

  5. i have the same problem with my eyes as well.i just drink lots of water- i think it helps the skin be more hydrated and flexible

  6. um dont rub it

    anddd put CUCUMBERS

    or something cold

    or um.. tea bag

    wet it

    and then put it in the fridge

    then put it on your eyes

    bcuz something with whats in it helps

    andd then it should be better..

    umm.. yeah or just wait til tomorrow and see how it is

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