
How can i make my friend realize my problem?

by  |  earlier

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i am 4 weeks late been getting sick all day cant eat well cant stand up or walk around to much or i get dizzy and a lot of other signs of pregnancy i took a test it was neg but that's normal for women in my family we have to go get blood test at the doctors for it to show up i wasn't even thinking bout it till i told my mom what all has been going on and her and my sis have been telling me that i am and my friend gets all offensive when i tell her whats going on and she always starts in on how i am not preg and its all cause my bf has a vasectomy but it can reverse its self and we think it might have but she is always like its impossible u cant get preg etc.. and i have talk to everyone i know of bout it and they say preg but i am thinking it could be cancer and my friend thinks i have the same thing as her and i highly doubt it cause i never had the problems she has had




  1. Time for the box doc..  

  2. With proper  communication

  3. well you need to go to a doctor and find out  

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