
How can i make my guinea pig trust me

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How can i make my guinea pig trust me




  1. Don't be overly loud or make sudden movements. I got my guinea pigs from the SPCA, they were found on the side of a road in a box.

    What I did to get them to like me was just talk gently, and feed them treats from their cage. Once they had eaten the treats, I would take them out one at a time and gentle stroke them, and whisper to them that I would always love them and take care of them.

    Make sure they see you cleaning their cage at first, and changing their food and water. They'll know you are their primary caregiver.

    Never leave them alone with small children.

    If s/he bites you, don't yell. They might be scared. At this point just gently carry them to their cage and set them down. No treats until you can hold them without getting bitten.

    I've had guinea pigs and a ton of other small rodents for many years. =]

  2. Spend quality time with it. Put ur hand in there and fed it a treat. Pet it. Give it time to get use to you. After a few days Give it a treat then pet it while its eating a treat. Dont trying picking it up for a week at least tho.

  3. feed him from ur hand then gentaly pet him

  4. try to get his sent so he will trust you or the other way around.

  5. Spend time with it by feeding them their fave veggie while attempting to pet him or her

  6. everyday at least once just when they have floor time sit in the middle of the room and let him/her come up and sniff you eventually they will recognise your scent so every time you visit they will recognise your scent also bring them a t*t bit and they will trust you alot more!

    hope this helps!!


  7. You just have to spend time with it.

  8. Well play with it then leave a day then play with it

    My cat Cleo whould not trust me so i played with her every day then i stoped for 1 week and now she trust me, it is kinder scary

  9. You can't make it trust you, but you can _earn_ its trust by following some of the suggestions previous responders have outlined.   In a nutshell, ALWAYS be kind, even if it bites you - it's just doing its survival thing, so no retaliation!  

  10. Just hold your guinea pig for 5 minute intervals multiple times a day. Feed him a baby carrot once a day from your lap, and he'll learn to associate you with good things. You just need patience, guinea pigs are prey animals and are naturally very nervous.

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