
How can i make my hair grow extremely quick / Snake Bites?

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i need a hair oil or anything that can make my hair grow 2 inch. in 1 week for guys i heard of sally's wild hair groth formula does it work on guys i also want to know when you get snake bites on ur lip how bad does it hurt because i was goin to get some




  1. There is currently no product avaliable on the market for hair growth "faster" Your hair will grow the same speed no matter what you use.  However, if you wash your hair with baby shampoo it won't throw the PH balance off keeping it nice and healthy.  

  2. I don't know about the hair but about the snake bites: they don't hurt that bad, it just isn't the most comftorable thing.

  3. snakebites don't really hurt, but swells a bit more cause you're getting both sides at the same time, when i got mine i couldn't laugh for about a week cause the studs would go behind my teeth and when i stopped they'd stay there and the studs got pulled, same thing happened to my friend

    also, i couldn't l**k my lips, same thing happened when i got my vertical labret.

    also, i really doubt you'd find anything that makes your hair grow that long that fast

  4. hey umm waiting 4 a baby 2009 u r the biggest dumbass iv seen in a while when he said snake bites he was talking about piercings you ****** duchebag

  5. Hair.

    use horse stinks..but ur hair grows FAST!

    and snake bites dont hurt...the healing process is a ***** and it hurts cuz they swell..but not horrible pain.

  6. i was wondering the same but i figured out that when u dont take a shower for a long time it grows faster  

  7. Have a cow l**k your head

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