
How can i make my hair grow longer, faster?

by  |  earlier

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I'm growing my hair, and want it to go faster. My fringe reaches the very top of my lips if i straighten it and the back reaches the base of my neck, i'm a fifteen year old boy, and any tips to make it grow longer, faster?




  1. there;s this shampoo called mane & tail,

    it's originally used on horses to make their manes and tails grow faster, but they developed some for our species =)

  2. The ultimate truth is that for hair to grow longer, we have to eat healthy, exercise adequately, reduce stress and most important sleep well. Include B-complex, B6, and vitamin C, E to make up for any deficiencies.To Know more about your hair will help you.

  3. there is nothing that can make your hair grow faster but just use good shampoo and conditioner to keep it healthy

  4. try not to straighten it a lot getting it trimmed just if u want healthy hair vegetables work and put a leave in conditioner and try not to wash it, if you cant wash only once and condition. Healthy hair deffenetly grows faster and it wont fall off

  5. idk

    i am wondering for my hair aswell  

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