
How can i make my hair have like a wavy and curly look?

by  |  earlier

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i am going on holiday and ill be in the sea most of the time so i want to make my hair look nice and curly but my hair doesnt go curly naturally.

i dont want to keep using curling irons or straightners to curl it because im trying to give my hair a break from them.

my hair has alot of layers in it and isnt easy to do anything with except straighten.




  1. braid it or crimp it cuz it doesnt damage ur hair and it gives u the look

  2. You could

    a) put in braids while your hair is wet and blow dry them that way, keep them in overnight

    b) use a round brush while it is wet and blow dry it with the brush

    c) put in curlers for a few hours or overnight

    d) get a mousse that you put in your hair and scrunch it, but that can make your hair feel a little sticky. but i guess it wouldn't matter if you were on the beach

    have fun on vaca!!

  3. Get you self some hard plastic hair rollers and metal prong clips. Roll your hair up and blow dry it if you dont have to go anywhere you can even sleep with the rollers in (the first time i did this it took for ever but by the thrid time i got all the rollers in in like 20 min and that was doing it myself dont give up). Floding a pillow in half and putting it right under your neck above your shoulder with help you sleep with these things on your head. Also, keep in mind the curls are going to be a lil bigger than the size of the roller you choose so choose a size thats a lil smaller than than what you want. You'll need to part your hair one roller at a time start by makeing a part about where your bang would be about the width of the roller and not to wide (so the hair will dry) from the front of your head (bang) to the back Back of neck) depending on the size of the rollers you shoud have six to eight rollers. now for the side you want to start from the bottom up tucking your finger behind your ear and pushing the part straight back to meet the roller in the mid sectionthen part whats left in half and two or three rollers should be able to hold each half total you'll need about 16-20 rollers. Depending on how dry or oily your hair is is apply a small amount or your moisturizer to your wet hair and comb it through before rolling. If your dont have a sit down hair dryer a blowdryer is ok. The longer you hold the blow dryer on the curls the better. Your hair must be COMPLETELY dry before you remove the rollers in order for this to work properly. You will also need a flat iron for after you take the rollers out to touch up your roots. You can get rollers and clips pretty cheap at any beauty supply store. Oh and dont forget you'll need a nice scarf to wrap your hair in one you have the rollers i usually use one that kind of looks like a net. Good luck dear.

  4. get some mouse and make a bun with your hair. leave it until dry and then take it off and spritz it with some water and you should have wavy beachy looking hair.

  5. Well you can try braiding it, that will make it look crimped. It can be cute. I have layered hair and people tell me they like it when I curl my hair.  

  6. use mouse and gel and twist your hair with your finger till it dries.

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