
How can i make my hair wavy?

by  |  earlier

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i already tried using an iron, and that didnt work whatsoever. so any other options that work?

i have average-long hair, its pretty thick, and yeah.

please, help[:




  1. Plait it:).

  2. Use a crimper

  3. I have very thick long hair and after I have a shower I have to plait it to calm it down.  When I take my plait out my hair is all wavy and I don't brush it or all the waves just go crazy.  I run my fingers through my hair after I've taken my plait out.  If your worried that it will eventually drop out flip your hair upside down and scrunch a bit of mouse in to hold it.  Doing that when it's wet instead of waiting for your plait to dry also works quite well.

  4. wash your hair before you go to bed, then French braid it and leave them in over night and your hair should be wavy! :]

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