
How can i make my hamster to pee and poo in the potty i got him?

by Guest61493  |  earlier

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i got my hamster a new potty and he doesn't use it. i already tryed the directions they told me to do put his poo and pee in it in a corner he usually does his bisness in.. HELPPPPP




  1. well, first of all ...

    does your hamster have a speacific spot were it goes to the bathroom?


    if so ... you need to bury the potty in the bedding for a couple days,

    after a couple of day have the potty in the bedding half way in the bedding half way out ,

    after a couple of days if the hamster keeps using the bathroom in the same spot then you can put the potty above the bedding and wait and see....

    good luck with the hammie!

  2. You can't MAKE them use the potty.

    It's something that, if they decide they want to use it, they will. Hamsters, although they say you can litter train them, will go where ever they want.

  3. My hamster was potty trained and new how to take a actual bath but when i potty traind ed it i got an little cage locked it in there  with water and food then it used the bath room and you should tease it with a treat by its potty hope i helped=]

  4. It isn't going to happen.

    He/she will go where he/she wants to go. Although sometimes this may work, it is unlikely that it will now.

    You cannot make your hamster do anything - it sounds cruel.

  5. I have never heard of litter training a hamster.  Good luck with that!  I am also curious as to why you would want/need to potty train a hamster...

  6. I got hamsters and they automatically pee in their restroom, I guess you have to drag em over there every time when they do there thing.

  7. It's not worth it to get a potty for hamsters. It's best if you just leave him alone. I have two dwarf hamsters and they don't use a potty. It doesn't bother me at all.  

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