
How can i make my headache go away?

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i have a headache and i want it to go away




  1. lol take excedrine

  2. pain releavers

  3. There are tons of medication (And I do mean tons!) Like Tylenol, but for me (this sounds really weird, might hurt you more than helping) I stand on my head and its gone. You could also try to sleep it off, only a major headache will last more than one or two days. Don't stay up too late, and try not to listen to any rockin' music!

  4. Take Tylenol or Motrin or Aspirin. Aspirin is no good unless you're older than a teen.

  5. Tylenol

  6. shower, advil, or  sleep

  7. Deep breathing exercises.


  9. donate blood, I'm serious

  10. take a motrin or an aspirin

  11. Take an ice cold pack and put it on the back of your neck and another one on your forhead.. it eases the blood pressure.. that is a fact!!!

  12. tylonal drink water for 3 to 4 hours nothing else make sure you eat first after 3to 4 hours sleep for atleast 2 hours

  13. take some ibeprofen no more than three

  14. well i always take two tylenol then SIT in the shower under the water for a while and just relax and let the tylenol kick in, always works for me - hope you get better.  

  15. Have a glass of water. You might just be dehydrated. If that doesn't work, take something for it. If you feel stuffy too, you might have allergy problems and should talk to your doctor, they can make your life much simpler if it is just allergies.  

  16. Sleep.

  17. Magnesium supplement

    Those are the elements and nutrients that help relieve headaches... no joke, it'll help

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