
How can i make my hookah lounge more successful?

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How can i make my hookah lounge more successful?




  1. more successful than what?

    I would need to see your biz plan

    to have something to compare to where

    you want to be and where you are now.

    would you like a free analysis--guide from me?

  2. Well you can start off with creating a list off goals and dreams and placing them in order of most important to least important and working your way towards them. I would also invest in a quality logo, business card, and website. Promotional mailings and advertising in local papers will boost business, and sometimes even hanging flyers around town in places that sell tabacco or play host to the mid 20's crowd (like surf shops, college hang outs, coffee shops etc.). Hope some of this will get your creative genes rollin!

    ~Jon Humes


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