
How can i make my labrador more protective of me?

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I recently got assaulted by an unknown man *i got strangled* and my 11 month old Labrador did nothing as this when on.

I need a protective dog where i live

How can i make him more protective ??




  1. idk

  2. You shouldn't make your dog protective over need to protect yourself...don't be dependent on others...especially a gentle breed such as a lab.

  3. Its almost simple take him to a training school or teach your dog how to fight growl and attack people if your in danger.

  4. Labrador retrievers are usually very people friendly dogs so they aren't really the kind of dogs you get for protection. I have a dog that is being trained in protection by professionals and i can't let anyone on the streets pet her because she is "unpredictable" with strangers since she is being trained to protect and she could take certain movements from strangers as a threat. It's a lot of responsibility keeping a dog trained in protection. Do you really want your dog getting hurt by someone? because this is what will happen if he tries to protect you and these people have a gun,knife,etc.... I always carry mace and a pocket knife with me when i am out walking even with my dog that is trained in protection because if my dog is doing what she is trained to do and this guy have a gun or knife she could be seriously hurt.Get a gun or mace if you need protection.

    Here is my 6 month old German Shepherd, Tila:

  5. You picked the wrong breed, labs are not attached to just one person with there emotions they love everybody as long as they are getting attention. You need a dog that attaches itself to just one owner with its attention and it is more than likely to be extremly protective and territorial with you against others

  6. labs (like golden retrievers), are friendly and playful. they are not guard dogs. if you want a protective dog, get a german shepherd.

  7. i have a lab and she protective plus she got one h**l a deep bark the thing is if you get them to be protective of you they get anxiety when your not with them believe me it not good but if you wanna go a head with it you have to spend all your time with him

  8. You can do this but I do not recommend it.You can make your dog aggressive,but he might attack someone quite innocently.You can't expect your dog to know what to do.If you want a proterctive dog,you have the wrong breed.Get yourself a Fox Terrier.Small maybe but very protective.

  9. Labs are friendly dogs. You could take him to training classes, but this isnt ideal, since it keeps you in danger and your dog gets put into danger as well. This is especially true if the attacker has a knife/gun--there's nothing your dog can *do*.

    *You* could take classes, though. Try some self-defense classes, or some martial arts classes. That way, you can defend yourself.

  10. first of all, it's ADULT dogs that will go into protective mode. your labrador is a PUPPY still. hate to say it, but your dog probably won't really be able to protect you, or even do much damage to an attacker until its about 3 years old.

    akitas are great dogs for protection and loyalty to their owners.

  11. DO you mean more aggressive?   OR protective?  

    I would look into training... professional if you want a dog to attack on command.  

    FYI>>>  Labradors are great pets,  not known for having an aggression or protective tendencies.  I would look at another breed.  You would even  have better luck with a Dachshund!  

  12. train him.

    like pretend your in danger and scream help HELP and teach him to attack whatever is doing that to you and then give him a bone or a treat.

    get stuffed dogs to be the attacker,


  13. Some dogs just aren't the protective type. Don't try to turn him into something he's not.

    I'm sorry this happened to you, but don't resent him.

  14. The dog isn't a robot you can program. It has it's own instincts.

    In that circumstance you came out alive, and so did it. If it had protected you, he/she might've been hurt, and worse, if it did hurt someone they can be put down.  

  15. It is not generally in their behavior to be protective.  Get yourself a German Shepherd if you have the area for one.  They need to run everyday.  They have a lot of energy that has to be run off, or they will go bonkers.  If you don't have any room for them to run, then look more towards a Boxer or Doberman.  Stay away from Rottweilers and Pit Bulls.  They have been over bred a lot, especially in the Urban areas.

  16. First off, a labrador isn't going to protect you. They never were bred to be protective and even breeds that were don't usually because they arn't bred for it anymore. If he does make a move, its usually going to be because he is scared wants to drive the threat back. He is only protecting himself and will never protect you. True protection trained dogs need two things: the genetics and the help of a specialized PP trainer to bring out the dogs fight drive. VERY VERY VERY few dogs even bred for PP have fight drive today, most dogs just act on defense, which will get you no where, if your lab even has a forward defense drive in him. For the record, you can go and get 50 german shepherd dogs, but if none of them have the correct genetics for the temperament, you won't get anything more then a few fear biters, who will probably run in the other direction.

    Furthermore, if you need protection, get a gun, don't count on a dog to do it for you.

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