
How can i make my mom or show her i can handle a dog, how do i get her to get me one????

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How can i make my mom or show her i can handle a dog, how do i get her to get me one????




  1. ok, heres a list of what you need

    age reponsible enough

    money for the dog, vet bills, registration, food, etc.

    if yes , u talk to your mum, saying everything is going to be handled by you, which includes the money, training, cleaning

    tell her all you need is a place for the dog in the house.

    if you are not capable, you cant make your mum  change her ind coz its gonna be her money and time etc.

    i was in the exact position, but now im happily living with my Shiba, only that i am the responsible owner who can actually take care of her.

    if you dont have excess money, things can go bad, your dog can get into accident and you cant afford a vet, then you have wasted a life which could have been living better with someone else capable, dont get a pet just for fun, they are lives and they are companion just like a friend or family member. ps, im only 17

  2. I suggest Maybe walking dogs or dog-sitting them and taking responsibility...I just got a puppy FINALLY! I walk dogs and dog sit them so that's why my mom said yes.  Maybe bring her on a walk when you walk a dog, and show her you can gain control and clean up p**p.  hope I helped!

  3. First of all, you need to find out the reason she thinks it's not okay. Is your house and yard suitable for a dog? Is anyone allergic to dogs in your house? Is mom maybe worried about the cost? These could all be reasons a dog may not be right for your family.

    If not, you want to show your mom you are responsible and also devoted to this idea. Let her see you doing research on dog breeds. Get some books about it at a library or look it up on the internet. Do some chores around the house, WITHOUT being asked. Offer to pay for the dog yourself, if you have the means.

    And, remind your mom often, how beneficial it is to have an animal in the home. It will teach you more responsibility and animals have a calming, happy effect on everyone around. Most importantly, ask nicely kiddo, and say please A LOT.

  4. Start by taking on more responsibility at home.  Does your mom have to ride you to do chores, keep your room clean, things like that?  Do you show her respect in every way?  Take the initiative to get things done whether it is keeping the house clean, cooking dinner, laundry, whatever.  Do things, and do them well, before you are told.  Make sure you are doing well in school.  Be an exemplary person.  Offer to help others.

    Find out, too, if there are specific reasons why she doesn't want a dog right now.  It could be finances, allergies, fears, etc.  Talk to her.  Don't nag.  Personally, if someone tries to nag me with something, I do the opposite.  

    Show her you can be responsibe in things that don't involve animals.  You just might be able to show her through those "other" things that you are willing and able to take care of a dog.  Then, she won't be afraid of ending up having to take care of all the dirty work.

    You might try bargaining.  Ask your mom if you show you can take responsibility in all these other things for a set period of time, say six months or a year, would she then let you have one.  That would give you time to research the type of dog you want and prepare monetarily to get it and the supplies you will need.  Don't forget to take into consideration the expenses you will have with a dog.

  5. get good grades to butter her up for starters, do lost of research on dogs and watch a lot of dog movies around her so she gets the hint and ask for a dog for christmas out of the blue when shes in a good mood and lastly just ask her for a fish something easy like a beta- you only have to feed them every 2-3 days just a pinch and chg there water about ever 30-45 days. showing her how well you can take care of a fish will show her your responsible enough for a dog. now keep in mind this is a plan to do over a 6 month or longer time to make sure she knows your responsible enough and so you get the skills to take care of another life/pet.

  6. She will know when you are ready, if you ever are.  Might tell her you ant to adapt a dog.  Maybe she will take you to a shelter and look.

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