theres 5 of em, and they all live outside, and i feel so bad when i see it raining, or someone with pampered indoor piggies, that could be me!
ive got a millipede a triop and 4 fish in my room, and space is a bit pushed, but i do have an indoor cage for ops and when theyre ill, and thats about the size of a pretty big hutch. could i stack them on top of each other, if i kept swapping them around so they all got equal amounts of light and stuff, and made sure they wouldnt fall off?
how much noise would they make? one of them is really squeaky and want to be picked up whenever she sees a human. could living inside stop that, and would they all get tamer??
oh. bad thing. my mums alergic to fury things, but shes getting much better with them...