
How can i make my parakeets stop bitting me?

by  |  earlier

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some of my birds like to be held but some don'. what can i do besides talk to them and let them fly around the room alot ?HELP!!!!!




  1. Every day, take one out, and just love it up. All you have to do, is put it on your chest, with your hands over it, and just preen them, pet them, givethem fresh fruit, and very soon, you'll start seeing difference in their behavior to you. For the finger training, when you have them out, gently, but firmly, put your finger into theire belly, near the feet, so they have no choice but to step up.

    good luck!

  2. When you reach in or for the birds just blow in their face they hate this not hard slow and steady this will stop them from biting also can do when holding did with mine and he stopped biting and it wont hurt the bird/birds.

  3. Some birds just aren't meant to be handled- take my canary for instance. But pocket parakeets should be finger trained by the time you buy them. Try taking your parakeets out one by one, holding them in a towel, and stroking them gently, taking soothingly to them. If they bite, ignore them and release them back into the cage after you've held on as long as you can. If they don't bite, praise them and give them some sort of a treat before letting them back into the cage. That was how we hand trained our love bird.

  4. I had 2 birds like that, just keep taking them out and socilizing them, and if it makes u feel safer u might hav to where a glove, but that might scare the bird even more, and a big thing is to clipp there wings, if u dont no how, c if a friend or neighbor does, or if worst comes to worst bring them to the petstore, im sure someone would no how

  5. don't take them out of the cage. if they are  not held a lot as hatchlings you could be stressing them out. They are biting you to tell you not to hold them and you are not listening.

    sorry; but you asked. birds believe in 'fight or flight' to get away from a scary situation

  6. When the bird bites you do not pull your finger away.  It shows the bird you are afraid of it.   I know a bite can hurt, but if you let it bite, and don't pull away, it will quickly learn that you are not afraid.  Also don't let them out of the cage until they will allow you to handle them without biting.  The reward is being allowed to to be out of the cage to excercise.  It will take time, but if your patient, your birds should come around.

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