
How can i make my p***s strong or harder?what ayurvedic pills or oils i have to buy?

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How can i make my p***s strong or harder?what ayurvedic pills or oils i have to buy?




  1. If you have trouble getting a proper hard p***s, you should visit your doctor. It could indictate an underlying health condition.

    Once you have the all clear from your doctor, you can try the following;

    Siberian gingseng (good for energy, s*x drive and circulation)

    Ginkgo Biloba (probably the most effective, very good for circulation).

    Do you smoke? If so, give up. It could be causing it...

  2. Try Male Sexual Tonic from here:

    Buy big bottle (3 fls x 1 oz), and you will never regret!

    Good Luck!

  3. You can try a combination of herbal p***s enhancement pills plus exercises.

    These pills contains erection strenghtening herbs that are good for you. You will also develop better sexual stamina. Oils may not be so effective.

    Exercises to strengthen the p***s's PC muscle can also help. These will help improve blood flow and give you the ability to stay relax and not tense up too fast during s*x.

    The best option is to use both. In fact, you can find some good herbal pills that come with such exercises. And they usually come with a money back guarantee so the risk is minimal for you.

    Hope this helps :)

  4. First let me preface my answer with the usual disclaimer.  Google

    Answers is not a substitute for informed professional medical

    guidance.  Always discuss your options with your doctor to find out

    what is best for you.

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