
How can i make my picture be my theme for my yahoo360 blog?

by  |  earlier

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i have one picture entry (not really my picture) in my blog and i whant it to be my theme... can anybody help me???

visit my page...




  1. yes you can do that

    go to : My Page

    there in the top you will see a big ? mark , there click where it says: Edit costume theme (in blue letters)

    A box will come up

    there in the very first Browser. click in the browser

    your pictures folder will come up

    choose the picture you like and click open

    then in that very box click on preview  if you like how it looks like ... click on save.

    Yahoo does the rest

    Good luck to you

  2. Look I followed your link back to your 360. It will not be long until someone reports you and Yahoo deletes your account because of that background.. that is called pornography..

    Just warning you. Yahoo has people who go to each persons pages on a regular basis to check for things like that .. and you are in violation of the TOS

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