My mum died when i was 4 and i have never really had a relationship with my dad but he has now died too. im 24 and 16 weeks pregnant, i am moving out in 5 months anyway but im living with my nan and grandad. They are olsd and set in thier ways but we always argue. My nan does not ever talk to me about problems even when i have tried to confront her hundreds of times, including letters and talking to other members of the fam. she always has something bad to say about me. i live in my room and dont really go down stairs as when i do we just argue or its a really alkward silance. i am angry that she bought me up. i understand why she did but i have 5 auntiesa that all asked to take me on as a child but she never wanted the help , i have been the 1 that has sufferd as a result of the age gap. im greatfull for them both and they have done so much for me but there is so much im angry about which is meant to be teenage stuff but its not going away. she never gave me pics or my mum and never talked about her, she wouldnt tell me where she was cremated and i had to find out for myself. i dont want to carry this on when i move out but i dont no how to sort it out.