
How can i make my room more 'comfy'...?

by Guest63568  |  earlier

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recently moved into my new bedroom,

ive got all my furniture in it, and they look nice together - but its missing something?

- is it cos i have nothing on my walls yet (except a nice wallpaper on one wall)




  1. Try putting nice little cushions around the place, and candles, and little fairy lights. how about a paper coloured lightshade to go on the big light?

    all these things will change the look of the room, so its more subtle, and therefore more relaxing and comfy.

  2. Yes atleast you must be matching color furniture with your wall

    thanks -

  3. Yes, hanging art on the walls will make a real difference, just like adding any accents like rugs, lamps, books, candles, vases and plants. It's more soothing to keep a bedroom clutter free if possible.

  4. Paint the walls warm colours, for instance orange red light pink. Have a lot of soft furniture about, bean bags..pillows.. and have a nice blind for the window that softens the light as it enters your room. good luck.

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