
How can i make my room space bigger?

by  |  earlier

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i have a room that i share with my brother, and we used to have a twin bed. but when one person moves the bed would squeak like crazy and bother our sleep. so we took it down. we have two desks, and one shelf. i was just wondering how can we make our room space bigger? so we can actually walk around in a big space without having to turn so much and stuff.




  1. Hey i was in asimilar situation! We put strong shelves horizontally around all available walls and kept everythingat least three feet off the floor. Mostly above shoulder level. It's excelent. plan it out well first-plan it at least twice-drawn and measured : )  sharon

  2. empty the room out completely to start. get rid of all unneccessary items. use lighter colors on the walls with a darker trim. then just put back into your room what you have to have.

    why are you sharing a room with your brother?? if yourold enough to type..then you are too old for that!!.. make him sleep on the sofa.lo..j/k on that but not about being to old to be sleeping in the same room!!

    hugs an good luck..

  3. CLEAN IT !!!!!!!

  4. You can't make the room bigger, you can only put less stuff in it.  You need to organize your priorities and decide what you really need and what you don't

  5. From my experience in a small dorm room with a roomate and 2 twin beds, we lofted our beds and put our desks underneath. It saved a lot of room space and gave us or own separate "nooks" for doing work and playing on our computers. Ikea has some good loft beds...

    Good luck!

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