
How can i make my service in volleyball over the net using over head service?

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  1. For an over-hand serve,

    first you need to have a good toss(in front & above3-5feet), a correct arm swing, then you need to work on using your torso, transfer that POWERFUL force thru your shoulder to your hand to the ball.

    In the beginning, hit the ball with a fist. That will give you a little more power.

    Once you get the heck of the swinging & conditioning your torso muscles, use your palm to hit the ball, that will give you total control on how hard & where the ball will go.

    And, watch college players serve.

    Have fun playing.

  2. the biggest problem that people have with their serve is their toss. The toss is the most crucial part. Your toss should be in front of your serving arm. So when you toss with, let's say your left hand, it has to be tossed in front of your right hand [that is if you're a righty]. It also should be only about a step in front of you so that you don't have to go chasing after it.

    Now, if you are tall, then you can snap your wrist harder and get the ball to go faster when you serve because you are serving it down. So the angle that a tall person is hitting it is better than that of a short person. If you are shorter than others, you might have to not snap your wrist as much. Because if you snap your wrist as much as a tall person does, the ball will go into the net. Also if you are short, you might want to just try a jump serve. Its harder to do, but it will get you higher when you're contacting the serve, and it is also harder to receive

  3. Give yourself some room behind the line, and the best way I can break it down for you is to toss it up high, as if you were receiving a set, and go thru the motions of a hit.  Of course, start out with not as much power as you would going for a kill, hit it nice and easy.  Practice, practice, practice.....the girls I coach sometimes ask to stay after practice, and I'll just shag for them on the other side.  Maybe you can get a team mate to do this and maybe help her out on areas she wants to work on.  As you master getting it over the net, begin to focus on the area you want to ball to land.....say the weakest player on the other team, but then keep your eye on the ball until right before you make contact; return your eye contact to your target.  As you get more control and confidence, you can try a jump serve, which is basically throwing (setting) the ball up for yourself, high enough to give yourself time to go through the entire motion of a spike.  In highschool volleyball, it is rare to see jump serves, so not only are you psyching the other team out and they will more than likely not return the serve, but you are preparing yourself for college ball.

    Good luck, have patience with yourself, and don't give up.  More than anything else, don't hesitate to ask your coach for extra time or help.  We love it when players want more gives us a chance to play too!!

  4. Practice by raising your angle each time you serve.

  5. throw the ball high ABOVE YOUR HEAD, hit the ball with your bottom palm - almost near the wrist, and make sure that you hit at an upward angle aiming above the net. Do not hit the ball with a downward angle or else the ball ends up rolling below the net... and just practice! ^_^

  6. You should like practice when ever you can. But keep trying you'll get it eventually!!! GOOD LUCK

  7. Toss is critical, it should be just out of your reach above hitting hand when extended.  After you have tossed, you should put your right arm up by your ear, as far back as it can go. Your elbow should be above your shoulder.

    You should start with the opposite foot of your hitting hand back slightly, make the toss and step forward with opposite foot while connecting with the ball.  This will give your body momentum.  

    Also remember to follow through with your arm motion, hit through the ball.  Takes lots of practice but once you get the technique down you'll love it.

  8. keep your hand flat and facing forward, almost point to where you want it to land first. Toss completely straight up (it often helps to practice the toss up hundreds of times without hitting). That always helped me.

  9. Make sure you use an open hand, fingers spread apart for better ball control. Keep your elbow at shoulder height and hit upward at the ball. Start close to the net and work your way back to the serving line. There are different ways of doing it, learn the basics and adjust them to fit your needs. Which ever way you choose, just be consistent with it.

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